This Advisory Board is comprised of a range of stakeholders and supports the Forensic Network to provide national strategic direction and bring a pan-Scotland approach to the planning of services and patient pathways.
The Network Advisory Board supports NHS Boards across Scotland in the delivery of Forensic Mental Health Services as outlined in NHS HDL (2006) 48 (Scottish Executive Health Department, 2006) and in NHS CEL (2007) 13 (Scottish Government, 2007). This includes support to clinical governance arrangements. In this way, the Forensic Network Advisory Board develops and maintains links with Regional and Local colleagues across the NHS and with Partner agencies, such as SPS, Police, Social Work, Community Justice Authorities and Housing as well as user and carer organisations. In addition, the Advisory Board has a Governance role in overseeing the Clinical Conflict Resolution Process and in developing and supporting self-assessment and peer review as part of the Continuous Improvement Quality Standards Framework for secure services.